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In 2018, St Luke’s celebrated 150 years of continuous worship and this fine building is now showing her age.  So that St Luke's can continue to be at the heart of life in Yea a much needed and large restoration process is being undertaken. As the oldest continually used church structure in Yea, St Luke’s has seen countless weddings,  baptisms and funerals, has witnessed the ravages of two World Wars, as well as the Crimean and Boer conflicts, and has been a place of peace, prayer, and beauty enjoyed by congregations, visitors and the wider community for countless generations.

After 150 years of use, this National Trust registered building is now in need of significant restoration to ensure that it remains  intact for future generations. For another 150 years.

With the assistance of the National Trust (Vic), the Anglican Parish of Yea is seeking to raise funds to support the essential restoration of this important Yea landmark.

For details on the restoration required, refer to Heritage Architects Report.  St Luke’s Anglican Church, Yea Final Report


Donations to the appeal can be made to the National Trust. Details on how to do this are in the attached letter and brochure, or online at

Appeal Letter NT Approved                                  150th Restoration Appeal Brochure Final 2017

St Luke's Anglican 

Church, Yea

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